This was our find of the day. A couch with a hide-away bed and an armchair for $50. We found the listing on Kijiji and went to look at it today. The set is very old and worn, but sooo funky. They don't make them like this anymore. A very sweet lady was selling them because she was moving from a 3000 square foot house moving to a 1000 square foot place in a retirement community.
Here's a couple of weird and wonderful facts. One, this couch weighs a lot. It's from the days they made stuff with real wood from trees. I'm not sure but I think metal was more dense back then. Two, this sweet old lady was crazy strong. She helped us carry this beast to the trailer, and when she let go I almost sunk into the driveway from the weight of it. When Rich and I man-handled it into our apartment, we had to stop and hyperventilate about five times. Huh.
Between the couch and chair, using a few odds and ends we'd brought with us, and repurposing Richard's dresser as a television stand, we now have a furnished living room.

By the way, if anyone super accurate is reading this, I do know metal was not more dense 50 years ago. I was kidding. Love you Steve! For the repressed furniture re-arrangers out there, go nuts, give me your ideal set-up. Well, Mom, you'll be here in June, so you could just come and do it. Love you too!