One of the exciting things about living in the Yukon is the possibility of seeing some of the resident wildlife population. There is no shortage of magnificent creatures roaming the great northern wilderness. We've seen bison, bear, moose, caribou, lynx and bobcat. This week-end, travelling from Whitehorse to Haines along the Alaska Highway and Haines Road we saw our first elk.
An elk just off the Alaska Highway west of Whitehorse. Photo by Christa Galloway.
Haines, known as the "Valley of the Eagles" has an influx thousands of eagles during the fall and winter. Many eagles can be seen on the flats of the Chilkat River along the Haines Highway between miles 18 and 24 where they fish for salmon. We stopped a few times to photograph the regal birds on their high perches and even saw one making several passes over the river before scooping up fish.
An eagle fishes on the Chilkat River. Photo by Christa Galloway.
An eagle keeps a watchful eye on it's high perch just outside of Haines, Alaska. Photo by Christa Galloway.