After two years of supply teaching in the Yukon, Rich has finally been hired as a full-time teacher.
The job is in Egypt.
Giza, Egypt during our visit there in 2004. Photo by Christa Galloway.
I know, right? From one extreme to the other.
I haven't experiences temperatures above a high of 24°C in three years, and that was HOT. Alexandria, Egypt is nine time zones and almost 10,000 km away from Whitehorse. We will be going from north of 60° to a latitude of 31°N.
Our flights are booked from London to Istanbul to Alexandria in August. Just staring at this sentence give me chills. (The good kind, in case you are wondering.)
When Rich and I got married we wrote our own vows. The part of our vows that has stuck with us the most over the years is the vow “to be a friend, comfort and companion for adventures big and small.” When we arrived in the Yukon we thought we’d found our place, our last adventure. It turns out the world isn’t done with us yet. Or maybe we are not done with the world yet.
Rich will be teaching Year 4 at the British School in Alexandria. As for me, I’m going back to my roots. More than 20 years ago I decided I wanted to be a photojournalist. I don’t think that has ever really changed although I’ve been through a gamut of careers. It’s time for me to really give it a go.
So, I know what you’re thinking… What about the blog title? “The road/mostly flight path south-east” doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Any ideas?