It's another beautiful morning here at our cabin in the mountains.
Good morning!
Sunrise over Mount Lorne, Yukon. Photo by Christa Galloway.
Sunrise over Mount Lorne, Yukon. Photo by Christa Galloway.
It's another beautiful morning here at our cabin in the mountains.
Here we are 2500 feet closer to the sky than if we were at sea. Clouds drift by, sometimes blocking the mountains from view, sometimes engulfing us completely.
Low clouds over the peak of Mount Lorne. Photo by Christa Galloway.
The light is different here. A low sun illuminating low clouds gives the sky an appearance that is so different from where I come from, that it sometimes seems alien, a suitable backdrop for Captain Picard's number one, Riker and his away team. (Yes, I prefer STTNG to the originals, and yes, I am a complete nerd.)
Cool skies in the Yukon. Photo by Christa Galloway.
The result of all this is that I often find myself outside in my slippers shivering, taking photos of the ever-changing sky. Maybe one day I'll look out and it will be so ordinary I will decide to keep my feet warm and stay inside. But that day is not today.
I am proud to say that as of today we are officially members of the Lorne Mountain Community Centre! Rich was even a volunteer at the 2014 Carbon Hill Sled Dog & Skijor Race. He was the man with the stick doing the timing for the 10 mile dog sled race. He had the power to launch a team of energetic huskies with the wave of his wand.
Richard counting down the start for a dog sled team.
I was on Oscar duty. Keeping him close by I was able to take some shots near the start. It was great to see the frenzy the dogs were in, raring to go. One dog in particular seemed to effortlessly levitate himself.
A dog team just before they set off on a 10 mile race.
I could have photographed these dogs all day, but Oscar spotted some other kids playing and wanted to join in. Since he hadn't had much chance to play with other kids since we moved out to the boonies, motherly love won out over the love of photography and we joined the fun. Some of the kids Oscar was playing with were francophone, and although they were speaking different languages, they all seemed to understand each other just fine. I got to practise ma francais un peu.
Oscar climbing the snow hill at Lorne Mountain Community Centre. At one point he stood wobbling at the top of the hill, jumped in the air as high as he could, and slid down to the sound of gasps from onlookers.
In between mountain climbing and playing, Ozzie took snack breaks. His snack of choice, snow of course.
A tasty treat.
All in all it was a great day. We came back in the afternoon for the Arctic char supper and awards. We met lots of friendly locals and we're really starting to feel part of the community. As we keep hearing, "You either love it here, or you hate it." And we love it.
A dog sled racer at the 2014 Carbon Hill Sled Dog & Skijor Race.
I've been urged not to stop posting these sunrise and sunset pictures by my much-appreciated fans. So here is another one, taken tonight. I really could take a picture of a stunning sunrise or sunset every day and they would all look different from each other.
We were heading out for a walk this afternoon and I saw this sunset over Lorne Mountain before I even took a step out the door so I ran in to grab my camera. The rest of the walk didn't disappoint either. Photo by Christa Galloway
Moonrise, Jan 11, 2014, Fuji X-Pro 1, photo by Christa Galloway
This photo was taken shortly after we moved in. On clear days I see the moon on north side at dusk and on the south side in the morning. The moon has become full since this picture was taken and is now waning again. It's taken so long to get this up because I left the card reader for this camera in Ontario along with our potato masher and the beaters for my hand mixer. Gosh darn it.