So my determination to dip my toes in the sea was crushed by human weakness. Namely, a head cold. I spent yesterday on the couch mopping up the copious amounts of mucous exiting my nose and feeling sorry for myself. A day at the beach was not super appealing in my feverish state so we decided against it.
This morning I felt like I was on the mend so we went to the Qaitbay Citadel, a 15th-century defensive fortress on the Mediterranean coast, about a half-hour drive from our apartment.
We used Uber for the first time and it was a success. We were picked up within a few minutes and the fare was only 24 LE (about 4 CAD).
When we arrived at 3:45pm we learned the Citadel closes at 4pm. Of course. So instead we went for a walk along the sea. Another. Long. Hot. Walk.
For me, the best part of the day was successfully directing the Uber in Arabic on the return journey using my handy dandy Phrasebook.
So, strike two for planning outings. One of these days we will get it right. For now, here is a photo of the outside of the Citadel.
The outside of Qaitbay Citadel (which closes at 4pm)