We had some excitement today on our road trip when we spotted a herd of caribou. Well, we thought they were caribou. I looked it up before posting this to make sure. And here are three facts about caribou I discovered.
1. Caribou belong to the deer family.
2. Female caribou have antler as well as males, unlike moose. Also moose are much bigger than caribou.
2. Caribou are called reindeer in Europe. This made me wonder why Santa calls his caribou reindeer, so I looked it up. It's a controversial topic but as far as land mass goes, an island in Greenland (Denmark) is 38 miles closer to the North Pole than Canada. Therefore technically Santa's abode is closer to a European country than a North American country. No country actually owns the North Pole but it looks like it might come down to Denmark, Canada or Russia one day. I'd root for Canada but caribou does not rhyme with appear.
“when, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny caribou”
does not have the same ring to it.