The cold metal of my new Hawker wings felt like vindication in my hot little hands on Friday after take two of my Hawker line indoc. I have now passed all of my exams, drills and line indoctrinations which makes me officially a real flight attendant. I overcame my latest hurdle and now feel comfortable and confident to be a solo flight attendant on the Siddeley Hawker 748. My sore back and feet from my ten hour day of hard work on the HS-748 felt good, like a job well done. The celebratory beer when I got home was even better.
My celebration is short-lived. It seems no sooner have I risen to this challenge than I am itching for the next one. With our future blurry and in flux as it is, I won't have long to wait. I have a half-baked plan to convince Air North (or anyone) to give me a full-time 9-5 job although I am fairly convinced that full-time 9-5 jobs are a myth from the 50s that no longer exist, like unicorns and record players.
The idea is to stay in Whitehorse. As much as I love change, I also love the Yukon. The dryness (no allergies), the views, the mountains, the people and the wildness all draw me to this place. However, once Richard leaves for university in Alberta, I no longer have someone to watch Oscar during my crazy hours on airplanes. Daycares aren't open by 6am, nor on week-ends, nor do they stay open until 10:30pm. Hence the need for a 9-5 job.
Failing that, the only option is Edmonton.
To be honest, living with my son AND my husband is not such a bad idea. And although I am not a city person, four months in Edmonton might actually by fun, being how it's temporary and all, and assuming there are lots of free things to do in Edmonton. That said, there's a good chance that after four months in a tiny apartment with a talkative three-year-old and a needy golden retriever, I might become slightly insane. At least then I will fit in better with my family back in Ontario. Sorry Thompsons, you know it's true and you know I love you.
After Edmonton, Richard will get his equivalent of wings, which I suspect is a piece of paper saying he is a certified teacher. Not as cool as wings, I know. But that piece of paper gives us the freedom to go anywhere in Canada. Well, anywhere there is a job for the best teacher ever. Most likely it will be NWT, could be northern Alberta, or we could come back to the Yukon. If my allergies come back in Edmonton I will most certainly be pushing for the Yukon.
Whatever way it goes, the future is coming and it's exciting. To quote Buzz Lightyear from a movie I have seen far too many times, "To infinity, and beyond!"