This past friday the weather in Atlin, BC was forecasted to be 9C with an evening low of -1C. So, of course, we packed up our touques, mitts and warm sleeping bags and went camping. There was very little traffic, we had the campground to ourselves, the beach was deserted and most of the bugs refused to brave the cold. And we had a great time.
Our campsite in Pine Creek campground, Atlin, BC.
Oscar's first time playing with a sparkler. Photo by Christa Galloway.
It's just not camping without a campfire and s'mores. Photo by Christa Galloway.
Who needs toys when you have all of nature to play with? Photo by Christa Galloway.
When we left our stressful life as business and home owners behind, packed what we could fit in a 5'X8' trailer and headed north, I really didn't know what to expect. All I knew was that we weren't happy, I didn't feel like a good mom and I needed to change something.
It's now five months later and I am the happiest I've been in a very long time. On my days off, I don't think about my job (usually). I think about writing or photography or gardening or my family. Our week-end plans rarely get cancelled. I feel like a better mom. Instead of hearing about Oscar's first experiences from babysitters, I get the enjoyment of witnessing them myself.
Father and son. Photo by Christa Galloway.
Richard, Oscar and Maggie enjoy some family time on the beach at Atlin Lake on Saturday. Photo by Christa Galloway
Northern life for us is fresh air, a slow pace of life and simple pleasures. It's witnessing northern lights, impressive landscapes and our own live wildlife channel. Oscar has adapted the best of all of us. He has freedom to explore and discover. Northern life is not for everyone, but for us, it was a life saver.
Oscar exploring the beach at Atlin Lake. Photo by Christa Galloway.